Friday, February 12, 2010

Is It Normal To Feel Fatter Before Your Period Feeling Fat Before Period?

Feeling fat before period? - is it normal to feel fatter before your period

If it is not normal, fat, before you start your period? If this happened to someone else?


RED said...

I do. absolutely lol. Infact, when I have my period and I really always weigh about 4.7 kilograms. that all water weight. and done in accordance to save water and you can still use my period.

So, yes you are perfectly normal.

~ Red

♥ said...

Yes! He had the night at home, I was pregnant with my dress. In fact, my time began today. (Perfect timing, however, at least not yet begun, a day before!)

Rosie said...

Yes. swelling of the juice. Water. lol it happens all the time 2 me!

Rosie said...

Yes. swelling of the juice. Water. lol it happens all the time 2 me!

livingth... said...

It comes to me. I also have these terrible cravings. Hate it!

Drink lots of water and patience.

OMG ...really. said...

This happens all the time.

sav said...

yup blown up your call

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